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sports for  better minds 

"It's just about having fun and creating healthy habits for the kids"

Justyn McKay



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In 2011, Sports X (formerly Soccer X) was established on the Gold Coast as a professional soccer coaching company with a business model focused on coaching intro level soccer at Gold Coast schools.


Having diversified over recent years, we currently provide a range of programs Australia-wide for over 4000 children per week. Our specialised brand of coaching was developed by founder Justyn McKay and is designed to ensure that each child is fully engaged, with maximum participation and enjoyment during every session.


Specialising in young players between the ages of 3-15, we began with five schools and just a handful of children at each. Since then, we have grown significantly and now service over 300 schools in territories such as QLD, NSW, VIC, SA & WA.


The key to our success has been the energy and enthusiasm of the 100+ coaches who now implement the Sports X programs in each territory.


Equally as important is the adherence to the key Sports X principles of professionalism, quality coaching and enjoyment, which have been our hallmarks and underpinned the growth we have enjoyed to date.


These principles, along with our commitment to providing a first-class experience for every player, every time, are driving future growth and creating opportunities for all our staff to grow with us.


Meet the team that brings your favourite sports programs alive.

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